Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Okay, this has to be short because I'm actually in the middle of cramming for finals but I decided to grant myself with yet another UNDESERVED break. Let's put it this way, I've been strictly adhering to the rule of business OVER pleasure, except I flipped the script, thus PLEASURE PLEASURE PLEASURE over business. That has some serious consequences attached to it, let me tell you. Oh well. This morning was ridiculous. When I woke up from the bright ass rays of the sunshine and the fact that I was unconsciously playing tug of war for the comforter throughout the night ... I decided that I won the game. I'm announcing this to the world too! Put it this way, last Friday I was on the brink of losing so I decided to step it up and take charge. Here's the sad news, now that I've "won the game" ... I no longer want to play it anymore. Basically, I'm bored. Hahaha. I contemplated over this matter throughout this entire day and that's really what I've concluded. OH WELL ... "thaaaaat's not maaaa baaaaad!" HAHAHAHA.

I've been hanging around Jazmin a lot lately. I'm not going to lie, it brings out another side to me. My inner child to be specific. I guess it's because she's my ONLY childhood friend who I've really kept a [somewhat] steady relation with and who knows me past the bullshit levels. Ahhhhhh, she's so cute. That's my "bestieeeeeee" without all the karma that comes with that title of course. Haaaaaa.

Back to studying. I'll try to wrap this up another time. Until then, stay classy, you hoes! :]